

The School we have today exists because of the generosity and support of families and alumni who have come before us and those who continue to support us today.  We are grateful to all who have made a donation to SJR and are pleased to acknowledge support at several levels.
Head's Appeal Annual Giving donors will be acknowledged by level of giving in Focus magazine, the annual report to the community, and on our website for cumulative donations received during our fiscal year July 1 to June 30.  

We are pleased to acknowledge donors within the following levels:

  • $100
  • $500
  • $1,000
  • $5,000
  • $10,000
  • $25,000: Eagles' Circle named levels are introduced

The Eagles' Circle recognizes donors whose cumulative life-time contributions have reached $25,000. We are proud to introduce several named levels within this category.

Eagles' Circle champions receive a special Eagles' Circle pin and will be listed by named category on the Eagles' Circle donor wall. 

  • Partner: $25,000
  • Builder: $50,000
  • Benefactor: $100,000
  • Visionary: $250,000
  • Governor: $500,000
  • Founder: $1 million+

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Christina Barwinsky

    Christina Barwinsky 86

    Director of Advancement
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School was founded in 1820 principally to serve the children of the Selkirk settlers. By 1834 there were forty students, evenly split between boys and girls. SJR has inevitably grown and changed over the years since, though its success throughout has been unimpeachable. Today the programs are as strong as our reputation. A strong academic program is paired with an equally strong attention to the values of stewardship, ethical leadership, and excellence in all areas of academic, social and athletic life.