

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 16 items.

  • Is SJR right for my child?

    After learning more about the School, it’s important for you to consider whether your educational goals for your child are in line with SJR’s Portrait of an SJR Learner.  
  • What is SJR looking for in an applicant?

    SJR is looking for students who have demonstrated a commitment to achieving their goals whether they are academic, athletic, artistic, or other, and wish to continue their studies at the university level; students who are looking for a challenge, and are willing to put in the time and effort it takes to reach their goals.
  • What are the actual costs beyond tuition?

    There are additional incidental charges that are not included in the tuition. To get a full understanding download the Schedule of Fees document; additional costs are listed on the second page. Charges vary from student-to-student based on their participation in various activities.
  • What is included in tuition?

    For Junior school students (K-5) brunch and lunch meals and a choice between bus service (within the city of Winnipeg) or Extended Day program (K-5) are included in tuition. Additionally, school supplies are included in tuition for Junior school students.

    For Middle and Senior School students (Gr. 6-12) lunches and bus service (within the city of Winnipeg) are included in tuition.

    Lunches are generally served in the dining hall (Gr. 2 -12) with a hot meal option, salad and sandwich choices, and soup. There are many food options for all students; including vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, halal, and allergy friendly meals. The school strives to keep common allergens, such as nuts and nut products, off campus.
  • Does the bus pick up in front of my house?

    Generally speaking, the bus does not pick-up in front of your house. There is usually a pick-up spot within a short distance of your house. Busing is included in tuition, but it is not refundable.
  • Is there before and after school care available?

    Yes, the School has an Extended Day Program that is available to students in Kindergarten to Grade 6. It runs daily from 7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. (Before-School Program) and from 3:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (After-School Program). There is a choice to include Extended Day as part of tuition instead of busing for Kindergarten to Grade 5. However, if you chose the busing option then there is a fee for each time the Extended day Program is used.
  • Does SJR offer certain subjects? What is available?

    The best way to learn about the courses that are available at SJR is to download the program of studies. There is a Program of Studies document for Junior School (K – Grade 5), Middle School (Grade 6 – 8) and Senior School (Grade 9 – 12).
  • Can my child take advanced math?

    This will be determined by our Head of Mathematics department looking at past Math marks from report cards and scores on entrance testing.
  • What technology do students use in the classroom?

    Starting in Grade 6, students are required to provide their own laptop. In Kindergarten - Grade 5, iPads and Surface Pros are used in the classroom for some learning activities. All classrooms are equipped with technology to allow for a fully engaged experience. 
  • What is the student/teacher ratio? How many students are in each class?

    The student to teacher ratio of the School is 8:1. On average, the class size is 22 students. However, in the early years from Kindergarten - Grade 3 the maximum is 20 students per class. It generally remains at 24 or less students per class throughout Middle and Senior school.
  • What is the French Program at SJR?

    Starting in Kindergarten to Grade 5, French is taught 3 times in the 6 school day cycle. Two full-time Bilingual French Teachers who teach the AIM (Accelerative Integrated Method) approach to language instruction. Accelerative Integrated Method is a foreign language teaching method that uses music, dance, gestures and theatre to support learning.

    French continues as a subject taught in Grade 6 - 8 and then in Grade 9 students can choose French as an elective to continue their language development.
  • What does the University Preparation look like at SJR?

    Students start by having a course with the University Advisor in Grade 10 and Grade 11 to prepare them in applying to university in Grade 12. In Grade 12, our University Advisor provides one-on-one support to each student to assist with all aspects of the application process. To learn more visit our University Advisement page.
  • Will my child be guaranteed to get into an Ivy League or US university?

    We cannot guarantee any admission to any school or university as the decision lies with the university itself.
  • Are there full scholarships available?

    SJR does not offer full scholarships. However, we are proud to be able to provide financial assistance to many families to assist in making SJR an affordable education for more students. Please visit our Financial Aid page for more information.
  • If I receive financial aid, do I have to pay that amount back?

    No, any financial support received through SJR’s financial aid program does not need to be paid back to the School.
  • How does the School deal with bullying?

    The academic and behavioral standards at SJR are extremely high. The SJR Character Education Program attempts to nurture respect, empathy, and integrity. The school encourages and promotes high behavioral standards that we expect from SJR students. Bullying is not tolerated. SJR students adhere to the School’s Code of Conduct. Behavior and actions not in line with this policy are reviewed by the Discipline committee.

Application Process FAQs

List of 13 items.

  • Do you admit students mid-year (in January) of the current school year?

    Unfortunately, we are not able to admit students mid-year as all courses are already running and too much information would be missed by any student coming in mid-year. We are not a semester-based school which means all courses run for the full school year.
  • How do I re-apply if my child was not accepted last year?

    Please email or phone the admissions office to have your child’s account reactivated for them to be reconsidered for the following year. Your application from the previous year will be made active again. You DO NOT need to fill in a new application form unless moving from Junior to Middle School as there are additional questions to fill out. There is NO additional application fee. You will only need to submit new report cards and get a new teacher recommendation completed. The applicant will complete the assessment each year they are considered.
  • If my child is not accepted, can I get a refund for the application fee?

    No, the application fee is a one-time fee that the School requires as part of the application process. This fee is non-refundable. However, if you should choose to have your child considered for a spot the following year there is no additional application fee.
  • Can I apply after the deadline has already passed?

    Yes, we continue to accept applications after the deadline, however, these applications will only be considered if spaces remain after the first round of acceptances. We encourage everyone to get their applications in on time.
  • What are the language requirements?

    Applicants must have an intermediate level of English, or a B2 level. All students who have not had English as their primary language of learning will have an assessment prior to the entrance testing to see if they are eligible. Ineligible applicants will be notified right away.
  • What are the typical years of entry?

    Typically, Kindergarten, Grade 6, and Grade 9 are the entry years. This means there will be a set number of spots available each year. 

    We encourage you to apply to any grade as there are usually still a few spaces in each grade level that become available each year.
  • What if my child has been homeschooled?

    If the applicant has been homeschooled, we require proof that the child did not attend school. If there are any outside providers such as a tutor that can provide any feedback on the child’s performance, that can be uploaded in place of report cards. Additionally, any standardized test scores or documents submitted to the Department of Education can also be uploaded in place of report cards.
  • How do I know the application is complete?

    Once you submit your application, you will be able to log back into your account to view the checklist and submit any required documents. Please note that all documents uploaded must be processed by the admissions office so please allow 1 business day for all items to be processed.
  • What is involved in the testing or assessment?

    The Kindergarten assessment is specifically done to identify each child’s readiness for the Kindergarten program. They are group sessions where we are looking at several aspects including literacy, numeracy, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and social skills.

    Grade 1, 2, & 3 – there is an individual assessment that looks at where the child is at academically with specific attention to literacy and numeracy.

    Grade 4 – the assessment is a test that looks at overall academic ability and aptitude. It includes both a multiple-choice portion and a written paragraph component.

    Grade 5 to Grade 12 – the assessment is a standardized multiple-choice test aptitude test and a written essay on a topic of their choice. There are three essay questions to choose from and the applicant chooses one to write about.
  • How can I prepare my child for the testing session?

    This is no specific way to prepare for the testing session as they are general aptitude tests that look at overall ability and academic potential.
  • When are the testing sessions?

    You will be invited to sign up for a testing session by email. Please wait until you receive this email inviting your child to the assessment session.
  • How much weight does the test score give to the admission process?

    The test score is only one component that is considered in the review of the individual. The review committee takes into consideration test score, report cards, teacher recommendations, and interview components. The review committee is looking for students with the most well-rounded aspects of all components.
  • Do students who have family connections to the school get first preference for admission?

    While we do take family connection and alumni connection into consideration, they are not given preferential status. The same considerations are looked at in terms of the individual being a good fit for the School and then family connection is a secondary consideration.

Boarding FAQs