Manitoba British Parliamentary Debate Provincials

Last week, SJR competed in Manitoba's British Parliamentary Debate provincials with immense success. Nine students placed in the top ten as individuals and five of our teams placed in the top six.

Two of our teams - Kate and Sarathy, and Marek and Stanley (Grade 9) - have qualified to represent Manitoba later this month at the national championships. Well done everyone!
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School was founded in 1820 principally to serve the children of the Selkirk settlers. By 1834 there were forty students, evenly split between boys and girls. SJR has inevitably grown and changed over the years since, though its success throughout has been unimpeachable. We have graduated 18 Rhodes scholars, for example, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II granted patronage and established a scholarship in her name in 1981. Today the programs are as strong as our reputation. A strong academic program is paired with an equally strong attention to the values of stewardship, ethical leadership, and excellence in all areas of academic, social and athletic life.